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The Ultimate Guide to Building Interactive Forms in

Creating interactive forms is an essential part of any modern web application. Building and customising forms can be daunting, especially if you're unfamiliar with coding. This ultimate guide will walk you through the steps to build interactive forms in

Step 1: Set Up a New Project

Head over to and sign up for an account if needed. Once logged in, you'll be redirected to your Dashboard to create a new project. 

Click on the "New App" button, give your app a name, and choose a template (or start from scratch). 


Step 2: Designing Your Form

You will be redirected to the editor. This is where you will design your form. On the left side of the editor, you will see the Design tab, where you can drag and drop various elements onto your app's canvas.

Add input fields for users to enter their information to create a form. offers several input elements, such as:


  1. Text Input: This essential input field allows users to enter plain text. It collects information like names, email addresses, and passwords.

  2. Dropdown: A dropdown is an excellent choice for presenting users with predefined options. Use dropdowns for fields like country or state selection.

  3. Radio Buttons: Radio buttons are ideal for presenting mutually exclusive options. They are commonly used for questions with only one correct answer, such as gender or subscription plans.

  4. Checkbox: Use checkboxes for fields that allow users to select multiple options, such as interests or preferred communication methods.

  5. Date Picker: A date picker is an input field specifically designed for users to select dates. It is perfect for fields like date of birth or event dates.

  6. File Uploader: A file uploader allows users to upload images, documents, or videos. This is useful if you need users to submit supporting documents or profile pictures.


Step 3: Adding a Submit Button

Add a button that users can click to submit the form. Drag a button element from the Design tab onto your canvas and customise its appearance using the property editor.

To make the button functional, you must create a workflow triggered when the button is clicked. To do this, click the "Start/Edit Workflow" button in the property editor. This will open the Workflow tab, where you can create and edit your app's workflows.


Step 4: Creating a Workflow for Form Submission

In the Workflow tab, you will see a list of events that can trigger a workflow. In this case, you want the workflow started when the submit button is clicked. To do this, click the "+" icon next to the "When Button is clicked" event.

Now that you've set the trigger, you must define the actions to perform when the button clicks. This typically involves:


1. Validating the Input Data: Ensure all required fields are filled in, and the data entered is in the correct format.

2. Saving the Data: Store the form data in your app's database or send it to an external service.

3. Displaying a Success Message: Show a notification or redirect the user to a different page to let them know their form has been successfully submitted.


To add these actions, click the "+" icon under the "Do when Button is clicked" event and select the appropriate action from the list. 


Step 5: Testing Your Form


  1. Preview Your App: Click on the "Preview" button at the screen's top right corner. This will open a new window with your app running as it would for an end user.

  2. Fill Out the Form: Enter valid information into each input field and click the submit button. Test different scenarios, such as leaving a required field blank or entering invalid data.

  3. Check the Results: If you've set up your form to submit data to a database, ensure the data has been saved correctly. If you've set up email notifications, check your inbox to ensure you've received the email.

  4. Test the Success Message: If you set up a success message or a redirect, ensure it works properly by submitting a valid form. You should see the success message or be redirected to the specified page.

  5. Check for Errors: Fix any issues with your forms, such as missing actions or incorrect settings, and test the form again. Keep testing until everything works as expected.


Step 6: Publish your app

Once you're satisfied with how your form works, it's time to publish your app and make it available to users.

  1. Click the "Publish" button at the screen's top right corner.
  2. Choose a Publishing Option: Bubble offers several ways to publish your app, including as a web app, a native app, or a custom domain. Select the option that best fits your needs.
  3. Follow the Prompts: Bubble will guide you through the publishing process, including hosting, configuring a custom domain, or building a native app. Follow the prompts to complete the process.
  4. Share Your App: Share the link with users so they can access and use your form.


Conclusion is a powerful and user-friendly platform for creating online forms and web applications without coding experience.

Following the steps outlined above, you can easily create an online form, customise its design, and publish it for users to access. 

CreatorConcepts Limited offers an unparalleled service for entrepreneurs and businesses seeking to bring their innovative ideas to life through expert Bubble development.

With a commitment to excellence and more than six years of experience, we are the ideal partner for those seeking a reliable and knowledgeable expert in development. Do not hesitate to contact us to learn more about our services today.