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Portfolio: Create Care

Create Care are a fantastic SaaS product that helps recipients of care and their families share documents, take care of legal and financial tasks and create goals for establishing care for their loved ones. The platform also has built in live chat with your own human care coach, and I integrated the tool with ChatGPT for AI powered care coaching.
CreateCare Dashboard
App dashboard
This picture shows the Create Care dashboard. Here the user can get a quick glance at their tasks, goals, resources and the care categories assigned to them by their coach.
Task Dashboard
Users can manage tasks, add notes, assign tasks to each other and set due dates.
Integrated calendar system with day, month and year views with event creation system all tied into the task manager. 
Goals Page
Users can view goals and read full documents in the platform, supported by rich text. 
Live Chat

Users can live chat with their coach and the ChatGPT AI system, upload attachments and collaborate in real time. 

Create Care logo

Project Brief

Create Care needed a blazing fast web app built in with custom billing, ChatGPT integration, live chat, calendar system and stunning design. I was able to deliver on time and on budget, partnering with MillionLabs as a collaboration to get the project to market.

  • Subscription Billing Powered By Stripe
  • ChatGPT Integration For AI messaging
  • Team Invitation System

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